Meeting with a Trivative advisor is an significant first step.  It is an opportunity to get to know your advisor and to share your goals and objectives.  There is no obligation; your first meeting will be relaxed and informal.

What to expect in this meeting is professional help in clarifying your financial future.  We will ask for you to bring any account statements and information on other areas of your financial life that you feel need attention, a list of questions you have regarding your financial situation, and lastly alist of future financial goals you would like to achieve.

The New Client process begins with a discussion of your financial goals and objectives, and we review and analyze your current situation.  During this meeting, we will help you look to the future and discover what you are looking for in life.  Next we gather your data to develop a plan and recommend strategies to show you a complete overview of your plan.

With the understanding of what you and your family will need financially, and the knowledge of what you want to accomplish in life, we will implement your personalized plan. After developing your plan, our goal is to continuously provide the highest level of service.  We will revisit your objectives with a phone call every quarter and in person every six months.


In this journey we all live with constant change.  Our commitment to you is to keep up with changes in your life, so that together we can